Inspired by tradition, Distinguished by pedigree.
Wendelken Piano Studio, growing strong from our classical roots since 1996
WPS has been one of the nation's top leaders in serious classical piano training for over 25 years

Wendelken Piano Studio offers our students an option for top-tier classical training right here in Asheville. WPS has been one of the nation’s top leaders in serious classical piano training for over 25 years. Our students, alumni and families of students are proud to be part of our special school, where students thrive, learn and succeed in ways they had never dreamed. Royal Conservatory of Music has specially recognized and rewarded our school for its long history of excellence by honoring us with the title “Founding School” and “Founding Teacher” of the Royal Conservatory. Our students have been awarded First Place in district, state and national competitions for solo piano, solo voice, composition, music theory, and concerto.
WPS is one of those rare schools whose comprehensive instruction models the great conservatories.

We represent the best that traditional European training has to offer, balanced and enhanced with cutting-edge teaching techniques and approaches. Our founder, Mary Wendelken, was chosen to study at some of the finest music schools and conservatories, training with some of the finest concert performers of the 20th century. Her teaching lineage stems directly from Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt; indeed, Ms. Wendelken is ‘six piano teachers’ from Beethoven. WPS is one of those rare music schools whose instruction is at the caliber of the great music conservatories. When you study with us, you will sound different from others at your level. You will stand out in the very best possible way. You will play masterfully.
We believe each student has their own journey with music.

We follow your talents, rather than expect you to fit into one set “way” of doing things. Everything is customized, from the books we order, pieces we select, exercises chosen, events recommended. We believe each student has their own journey with music; we are there to help you find your talents and refine them, So where one student may thrive in competitions and love performing, another may enjoy music theory, composing, and performing somewhat less. We tailor everything to you, every lesson.